Sunday, November 11, 2018

Hi everyone!!! My name is Valentina Vigliarolo, but I rather you know me as ‘Tini’, it fits my personality more! I have never blogged before but was always intrigued by it so I promise, this journey will be interesting.  My blog is for my portfolio for my AS AICE Media Studies class and quite frankly I’m so excited as to how much I have learned so far and hopefully I am able to input that new knowledge into this blog. Throughout this journey (yes, using that word is  a bit dramatic but it makes it thrilling) I can anticipate various obstacles and difficult choices to make as my indecisive mind takes over. However, the one thing that is clear is the type of media I have chosen to create, and that is a magazine. I decided on a magazine simply because that is the only thing that I willingly choose to read (yes I know that’s not good but I need visuals, not just words!!). Magazines have all this data that is not only there to serve as information, but also self-motivation, new ideas to form, and also allows creativity to flow as your eyes scan the aesthetic spreads that cause your imagination to go insane. The purpose for my next blog posts is to explore different genres, because again, my indecisive thoughts are making me go back and forth between a travel magazine and a fashion/beauty magazine. I decided to start of and researching about the genre of beauty, since that word has so many connotations, I want to focus on it and hopefully show the positive aspect of that genre. I also added fashion because there a lot of beauty AND fashion magazines because those two topics are related and i admire both.  Even though travel is lively and enthusiastic, I think I’m going to hold off on that for now and pick it up later. I have a ton of ideas in mind for a spread, pictures, and even the title for both genres but I need to slow down a bit and begin with baby steps. Thanks for reading and hopefully you’ll stick around to see my process and eventually the final product!!
This is me!!!

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